the legend of Chinese Vampire,-jiangshi
Jiangshi are undead creatures of Chinese mythology
It is typically depicted as a stiff corpse dressed in official garments from the Qing Dynasty, and it moves around by hopping, with its arms outstretched. It kills living creatures to absorb their qi, or “life force”, usually at night, while in the day, it rests in a coffin or hides in dark places such as caves.
They were said to have long hair, eyebrows, and fingernails, as well as the ability to fly.
The yellow patch ( fúzhòu) contains a Taoist incantation to disempower the cursed Jiangshi creature by slapping the patch on its head. They’re also afraid of the Bāguà symbol, jujubes, vinegar and the blood of a black dog.

Welcome to Ghos-si-lloween , the legendary Party of Jiangshi
1 Sep to 10 Nov 19 , Old West
It might be scary, It might be full of fright …but you'll never know , if you don't show on Ghos-si-lloween !

Freaky Chinese Folklore set

Dare you join us on our Go Ghost Hunt on 12 Oct 19 ?! and become a Ghost Hunter for the night at A'Famosa Resort
Experience our terrifying and scary, bone chilling night & make contact with those on the other side , they're waiting for you...
You are welcome to take photos and bring your own equipment for the hunt
Don’t forget to dress up to show off your Fangtastic Fashion sense to grace the stage & win prizes
Join us & have a fa-Boo lous night !
Date : 12.10.2019
4:00 pm Registration at Freeport A'Famosa Outlet
4:30 pm Fangtastic Fashion Walk
5:00 pm 5K Go Ghost Hunt
6:30 pm Prize Giving : Fashion & Hunt
8:30 pm Chinese Vampire Fire Show
9.15 pm Jiangshi Musical Parade
10:00 pm Hallo-scream Firework Display
10.15 pm Dance of the Dead
RM50 / person
t-shirt, medal, creepy bucket, Ghos-si-lloween Carnival Ticket