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Total PRIZES worth RM200,000 awaits you

1 MAY 2018 - 7 Feb 2019

All you need to do is buy a ticket and enjoy your day at  Water Theme Park / Safari Wonderland / Old West and you’ll be in the running to drive home a brand new PROTON NEW SAGA ! or win a SAMSUNG S9, LED TV or Mountain Bike. Stay Voucher will also be given out on a WEEKLY basis. 

How to join?
Step 1:
Purchase Adult Ticket of Water Theme Park or Safari Wonderland or Old West at A'Famosa Theme Park Ticketing Counter or A'Famosa Resort official website online ticket ( )during 01.05.2018 – 1.12.2018 


Step 2:
Fill up your Contest Form, attached with the original receipt, and submit  & drop off in the Lucky Draw Box located at Theme Park Main Souvenir Shop . Don't forget to LIKE A'Famosa Resort Facebook page (


Step 3:
Stay tuned to the A'Famosa Resort  Facebook page ( to check if you’re selected for the Weekly Lucky Draw every Saturday from 05.05.18 to 1.12.18 .  


Step 4:

Be present on 7 Dec 2018 at Water Theme Park , 2pm for the Announcement of Grand Draw Winners

Grand Draw
Grand Prize : 1x Proton New Saga

1st Prize : 1 x Samsung S9


2nd Prize : 1 x Toshiba LED TV 49"


3rd Prize : Mountain Bike


Grand Draws will be held on 7 Feb 2019 at Water Theme Park, 2pm .

Weekly Lucky Draws
A'Famosa Resort Stay voucher to be given to 5 winners every week ! 

The draw will be held on every Saturday , 1st draw will be on on 05.05.18 

Winners will be notified via SMS / phone call. You may also check our website/ Facebook  for an announcement. 

Decisions made by the Organizer are final. Appeals will not be entertained.The Organizer reserves its absolute right to disqualify entries which are incomplete, illegible or disfigured. Late entries will be disqualified without notice.Other terms and conditions apply.

Terms & Conditions


1.1 The campaign of Play and Win A Car 2018 [“The Contest”] is organized by A'Famosa Resort [“The Organizer”].

1.2 The contest starts from 1 May 2018 to 1 Dec 2019.

1.3 Entry and participation in any contest shall be deemed an unconditional and irrevocable acceptance of these Terms & Conditions. All entry instructions and any other specific details relating to the contest or the prizes form part of these T&C (but in the event of any conflict or inconsistency, these T&C shall prevail).

1.4 The Organizer reserves the right to modify the contest mechanisms, withdraw or terminate this Contest at any time at its sole and absolute discretion without prior notices to any person.

1.5 The laws of Malaysia shall govern the Contest and these Terms of Use. All disputes arising in connection with the Contest and these Terms of Use, including but not limited to disputes concerning the existence and validity thereof, shall be resolved by the competent courts of Malaysia and by participating in the Contest the participants hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia. However, it shall be the sole responsibility and obligation of each participant to ensure that he / she complies and do not contravene any laws to which he / she may be personally subjected to.

1.6 If these Terms and Conditions are translated into a language other than English, the English version of the Terms of Use shall prevail in the event of any inconsistency.


2.1 The contest is open to visitors to Safari Wonderland , Water Theme Park , Old West  (Malaysian) who purchase Adult ticket at Theme Park Ticketing Counter or A'Famosa Resort Official Website Online  ticket during the contest period [“Eligible Participants”].

2.2 The contest is open to Citizens & Permanent Residents of Malaysia  , aged 18 and above

2.3 Employees or agents of the Organiser or any of its group of companies or their family members or its employees, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives, parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees, advertising, promotion, fulfilment agencies and legal advisors are not eligible to participate in this Contest.


3.1 To participate in the contest, must comply with each of the following steps:-

3.1.1 Purchase Adult Ticket of Water Theme Park or Safari Wonderland or Old West at A'Famosa Theme Park Ticketing Counter or A'Famosa Resort 

Official Website online ticket (  during 01.05 – 1.12.2018 

3.1.2 Fill up your Contest Form, attached with the original receipt, and submit  & drop off in the Lucky Draw Box located at Theme Park Main

Souvenir Shop .

3.1.3 Weekly Lucky Draw will be held every Saturday from 05.05.18 to 01.12.18 . Winners will be notified via phone contact/SMS/e-mail to stay tuned for the winner announcement via  A'Famosa Resort  Facebook page (  Winners to be notified by sms on the prize collection

3.2 All participants to be present at on 7 Dec 2018 at A'Famosa Water Theme Park , 2pm for the Announcement of Grand Draw Winners

3.3 The Organizer’s judgment is final and no complaint or appeal in all means will be entertained.

3.4 The Organizer reserved the absolute right to disqualify entries which is incomplete, illegible or disfigured, late entries automatically without any further notice.

3.5 The Organizer has the absolute right to disqualify or reject an entry without giving any reason whatsoever to any participants or any other party.



4.1 All winners will be identified by name and their respective valid identification card. 

4.2 Prizes categories:-


Weekly Lucky Draw:

•      5 x A'Famosa Resort Stay voucher per week


Grand Draw: 

•      Grand Prize : 1x Proton New Saga

•      1st Prize : 1 x Samsung S9

•      ​2nd Prize : 1 x Toshiba LED TV 49"

•      ​3rd Prize : 1 x Mountain Bike


4.3 Prizes are subject to change or substitute with an alternative of equal or greater value. 

4.4 Weekly  Lucky Draw: 

4.4.1 All Theme Park visitors with the purchased of admission ticket with regular walk in price at ticketing counter throughout the campaign period will entitle to win weekly prize. 

4.4.2 Weekly Lucky Draw will be held every Saturday from 05.05.18 to 01.12.18 . Winners will be notified via phone contact/SMS/e-mail to stay tuned for the winner announcement via  A'Famosa Resort  Facebook page (

4.4.3 A weekly winner will receive a winning notification via phone contact to prize collection

4.4.4 The weekly prize will be rewarded to the replacement if the winner who did not response to the winning notification via phone contact. 

4.5 Grand Draw: 

4.5.1 All participants will be invited to attend the Grand Draw which will be held at A'Famosa Water Theme Park  on 7 Dec 2018, 2pm 

4.5.2 The invited participants will be notified via phone contact/SMS/e-mail by the Organizer. and the participants shall confirm their attendance via SMS/email 

4.5.3 Participants to the Grand Draw event are required to register themselves on the event date & venue which will be informed by The Organizer. Participants shall be liable the travelling expenses to A'Famosa Resort 

4.5.4 The participants will stand a chance to the prize stated once they attended the Grand Draw and registered themselves on the event day, however, the chances will be void without further notice if participants failed to attend the Grand Draw event which will be held at A'Famosa Water Theme Park

4.6 The Organizer shall not be held liable in the event that the winner(s) cannot be contacted for whatever reasons and The Organizer shall not be held liable in the event of non-receipt or delayed delivery or any notification to the winner(s). 

4.7 The Organizer reserves the right to substitute any of the prize(s) with items of equivalent value at any time without prior notice. All prizes are not transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash. 

4.8 The Organizer reserves the right to withdraw the prizes in the event that the winners do not comply with the contest terms & conditions. 

4.9 The organizer will not entertain any complaints on the quality and quantity of the prizes after handing the prize over to the winners. 


5.1 Participation in the contest and acceptance of the prizes constitutes an irrevocable permission for the Organizer to use the winners' names and photographs for purposes of publicity and advertisement without any compensation or need for prior notification to the winners. 

5.2 The winners are required to show  Malaysia Identification Card/Passport and registered mobile device number for verification should verification is needed. The organizer entitled to forfeit the prize if the participants refuse to agree to this condition. 

5.3 Participants may receive future promotional messages from the organizer. 

5.4 By participating in this contest, all participants hereby warrant all the statements personal details given are true, correct, accurate and complete. 

5.5 All costs & expenses in connection with this contest incurred by the participants shall be fully borne by the participants. 

5.6 By participating in this contest, participants agree to defend, indemnify and hold the Organizer harmless from and against any suits, claims, losses, damages and expenses, including reasonable legal fees that may arise from on in connection with the contest. 

5.7 The organizer shall not be responsible nor shall accept any liabilities of whatsoever nature and however arising or suffered by the participants and/or third parties resulting directly or indirectly from the Contest and/or the Prizes. Winners shall assume full liability and responsibility in case of any liability, mishap, injury, damage, claim or accidents (including death) resulting from their participation in this Contest, redemption and/or utilization of the prizes. 

5.8 By participating in the Contest, participants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and all decisions by the organizer are final and binding. The organizer reserves the right to change, amend, add or delete any of these Terms and Conditions without prior notice at any time and participants shall be bound by such changes. 

5.9 The Organizer, its affiliates, subsidiaries, promoters and agents will not be responsible for whatsoever printing errors appearing on the products or Proof of Purchase distributed in the market. 

5.10 The organizer’s decision on all matters relating to this contest shall be final, conclusive and binding. The organizer is not obligated to give any reasons on any matter in the contest. 


 A'FAMOSA GOLF RESORT BHD 199101014452 (224764-K)


Jalan Kemus, Simpang Empat
78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka(Malacca), Malaysia

Tel: +(60)6-552 0888

Email :

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